Welcome to Real talk everyone. Today's topic is: the defense of marriage. It is my opinion that if you believe in the sanctity of marriage, then it can only get better. If you didn't make vows that you plan on keeping till death do you part, then you are in trouble. When you take your vows; you gave your self to that person for the rest of your life, and as cheesy as it may sound, your heart and soul are now part of that other person. I am not arguing against divorce, I'm arguing for marriage. Trust me, some people are better apart, people change, and well divorce is justified sometimes but should be used with discretion. In my opinion, if you married for love, than you will spend the rest of your life with this person, given that circumstances permit. If you are like most people, you prefer a life of joy, fun, and love. If you really want something, than you put your heart and soul into it, you use all the elbow grease it takes, you use all the tools you can get, you give everything you have. If both partners believe in the sanctity of their marriage; then marriage is just one big team project. The more time you spend with someone, the easier it should be to live them. You learn what ticks your partner off. You learn what they like, what makes them happy; their ways. You can read them with out them speaking a word. Now whether this type of love still exists or not, I am not sure, all I know is that I'm in this to win it, and I'm in it for love.
Just today, while sitting at the dinner table, Dro mentioned how we used to argue while grocery shopping when we first started living together. Grocery shopping, is no longer something we dread. We have learned to work as a team. Sure there may still be a few punches and kicks thrown around when deciding whether to get wheat bread or white bread, but for the most part we kick grocery shopping's ass. He has learned the brands I like, how to pick out a bargain, and we both fill the cart, which limits the time we spend in the store, without losing each other for too long.
I know many people see marriage as a death sentence, and maybe for some it is, maybe some don't have a choice. But if you did choose marriage and you did it for love, then it can only get better. I know that we have only been married for 20 days and I know we have a lot to learn and I'm sure many fights and arguments are yet to come. I hope however that all those will be made for the betterment of our marriage. So if you see any one of us complaining about marriage down the road, make sure you remind us of this post.
If you are married, what can you do, to improve your marriage? If you are not married, don't let all the bad rep that marriage gets deter you from making a lifetime commitment to someone you love. Trust me, when you find the right one, it is so worth it.