And God said, let us mmake man in our image, after our likeness; and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth , and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon earth. So God created man in his [own] image, in image of God created he him; male and female, created he them. Genesis 1:26-27 KJV
I was reading the bible yesterday, and a thought came to mind. I wanted to understand how is it that God made us in his image. In what way are we like God. Are we like him, physically? That can't be, he is not made of matter like we are. Could it be intellectually, well he is all knowing, we are not. He is all powerful, we are not. I am trying to understand how is it that We are like God, if we are sinners, and crave knowledge and power that we don't have?
The best answer I can come up with was that we were made in his image in that we have dominion over other animals. We have more knowledge, wisdom, a wider range of emotions, can entertain more than one thought or feeling at a time. Also we serve a specific purpose. So God rules over us, knows more than us, and can entertain all those different feelings, he also has purpose and that is to rule over us.
The other thing to consider is what about the tree of knowledge. We can say, well we were like God, up until the we were tempted and ate from that tree of knowledge. But if we ate from it, we either one did not have the knowledge and craved it, or two we were not strong enough like God to resist temptation, so again, how is it that we were made in his image. I know that maybe this is over-analyzing something, and maybe I'm generalizing too much, but I am just trying to understand, how it is we are like him, and take that and learn, so that we can be better people, better children of God.
If any one has any comments, or ideas, I would love to hear them.