Monday, April 25, 2011

giving soul to our everyday work

When we care for our soul we consider all aspects of life, including ordinary, mundane house work. In doing work whether it be at the office, at the home, cooking or doing laundry, taking care of the kids, or giving the dog a bath, they all mount up to the cultivation of ordinary things by nurturing the soul. Jean Hall, and astrologer and therapist from Baltimore lectures on the soul of housework. She believes that if we denigrate the work that is to be done around the house everyday , we lose our attachment to our immediate world. Give housework a place of dignity in your life (Care of the Soul, by Thomas Moore).
We tend to overlook the way that soulfulness can be observed in ordinary housework, and the gifts it provides the soul. We miss out when we do our daily housework without care or contemplation or let others do it for us. In addition it can give us a sense of loneliness or homelessness.

Creativity can take on many forms, in making our homes, raising the children or at work, by fabricating a culture we are all being creative. By giving soul to our work, we see a reflection of ourselves in the world. “The whole point of life is the fabrication of soul. Work is an extension or reflection of yourself. Nicholas Cusa and Coleridge after him describes human creativity as “a participation in the act of God creating the cosmos, we create the micro-cosmos- the human world.” “Not only do we view most work as ordinary, repetitious and democratic, but we also tend to dismiss its creativity.” Bringing soul into our work is not reserved only to the brilliant minds, or who we tend to call the artist.” “In ordinary life creativity means making something for the soul out of every experience.” When we create things we can step back and contemplate our work. We can feel a surge of pride. “Where there is no artfulness about life, there is a weakening of soul.” “The problem with modern manufacturing is not lack of efficiency, but a loss of soul.” For those who are religious, we can worship God by doing the dishes or cleaning or cooking. When I’m not in the mood for cleaning or doing work, I sometimes tell myself, do it as an act of worship and reflect on the Lord. 
I understand that sometimes we tend to confine ourselves into the male/female roles, or the breadwinner and the homemaker. Both men and women participate in both roles, but usually we tend to  dominant in one role. I would recommend however that one person in a relationship should NOT always assume the same role. Both partners should have the opportunity to participate in both roles because we can miss out on opportunities in nurturing the soul and creating art if we always assume the same role.

I understand the feeling of the ordinariness of everyday work especially in the household, we tend to see this kind of work as chores. If you can take a step back however and contemplate the work you do, put some love or creativity into your work, I bet you would lose some of the feeling of that associated with doing work. Rather than seeing it as just work, see it as a way to be creative, as a way to reflect yourself through objects and actions.
The reason why I write about this topic is that I have come to appreciate womanhood and the making of the home. Lately I have been doing a lot of cooking, as I mentioned before I enjoy cooking, and seeing others enjoy my food gives me some pride. Doing laundry, or washing the dishes, gives me a sense of satisfaction. I read in a 1892 everyday cook book, that no woman should be getting married if they do not know how to cook. In Spanish there is a similar saying women will often say to younger women, “oh you can now get married” after they have cooked a nice big meal. In that same book I also read that unselfish mothers or wives make selfish partners or children. It is important that we also give ourselves some time, the we also treat ourselves to good things. A mother for example may go on wearing the same old dress just so she can buy her daughter a new dress. That is fine, however , we should reserve some selfishness.

  Sometimes I do not like being a woman, having to go through a period every month, and then the idea of bearing children, its all very painful, but with it also brings great joy. Having the ability to create life, and being able to carry life in the womb, just reminds me of the strength of woman, and the gifts that God gave us. I am developing my creativity as a woman, taking part in activities such as cooking, baking, sewing, doing laundry, doing dishes, painting among many things. I remember growing up as a child and my mom always made me grocery shop with her, always had me help her with dinner. As an adult I can now appreciate all these things she made me do, it gives me satisfaction that I can make a home, take care of dinner, or things around the house. I try not to see these things as just work, but a medium through which I can express myself. 

 For those of you that don't know, my husband and I moved to Missouri. We are staying with one of his friends, who also happens to be a trucker. In the short amount of time that I have been here, I have come to appreciate the importance of everyday work. His friend's wife's kitchen is like a playroom for a kid. She has so many gadgets and tool and fun machines, that make cooking fun. She has a collection of older gadgets used in the kitchen, she has a great selection of books, that range in anything from cleaning, to cooking, and anything one can imagine a homemaker doing. These books are awesome they give you tips and advice how to take care of the home, and the family, things that books now a days don't really include. Such things include, how to dress, how to remove stains, how to be a lady, how to raise your kids etc. I have learned several things from her, and I have created a bond with a female. I know I have trouble keeping in touch with people, and sometimes I feel distanced from my friends, but when you have roommates, especially of the same sex, it allows you to open up and trust, get advice, and learn. I thankful for the way my mom raised me and all that she taught me. I am thankful for my new friend as well, being away from my parents and family gets to me sometimes, but having someone there to act as a mother, or father figure or just a good friend can help you relieve the feeling of homelessness, and being far away from your family. 

Until I get my immigration situation fixed and can get a professional job, I am going to enjoy being a homemaker, and making the most of my time, for when work and children come along, it makes taking care of things more difficult. I might as well learn to do those daily things, cooking, cleaning, and learn to make it effortless, so that when the job and the children come along, I can overcome the challenge of all those different roles; bringing in money, being a wife, being a mom and taking care of my home. I have come to take pride in the work I do, not only as a woman but as an artist, as a wife and as a student of life, home and the family. The next step is learning the role of the mother, but that wont be for a while now.To all the mothers, homemakers, maids, and people who care for their homes and family may you be blessed.
[sources- Care of the soul by Thomas Moore , The Everyday Cook book by Miss E. Neal copyright year 1892]