Depression, loneliness, neediness, how we view these is relative. These are feelings that should be embraced, rather than rejected. I am bothered by the fact that our society quickly jumps to try and “fix” what necessarily may not be broken. Our society thinks that it is wrong or that it is bad if you feel sad, depressed, are needy, or take any other quality that we may see as negative. Our view of psychology has become so shallow. We forget that when it comes to matters of the soul and the psyche,there is no quick fix, or band aid to be placed over the wound. Often times there isn't anything to fix. A mere observation of our physical body, its ailments, and observation of our feelings, can give us much insight into what is needed. I have been reading Thomas Moore's, Care of the soul. I would really recommend this book to any one who wishes to care for their body, their soul and their overall well being.
There have been many days when I felt as if I had to paint on a smile everyday, because I could not show my true face, my true feelings, I didn't think it was right to show my sadness. One thing I learned from this book however, is that it is important that we take time to feel these feelings, even the negative ones. We must not cover them up or try to fix them, but spending some time in feeling them, may just be what is needed. A gust of melancholy is good every now and then. These feelings, help us understand how we can care for ourselves. It is ok to feel depressed. The question then is not what can I do to get rid of this depression, rather what is causing this sadness. Take time to analyze your feelings, and take time to feel them. In a similar vein, is the idea of spirituality. For those that believe in God, sometimes its hard to feel his presence, we may feel that he has left us, or may not listen to our prayers. I think it is important to feel this emptiness or loneliness at time, because only when we feel these can we truly feel his presence, and can our faith truly grow. Take Mother Teresa for example, for a big part of her life she struggled with her faith. She felt abandoned by God. Yet we view Mother Teresa as someone who is holy, and have even started the process of sanctification. Some one who dedicated her life to tend to the sick and the destitute, tell me how can one not feel abandoned, hurt and alone, being surrounded by suffering, disease, hunger etc.
Lets embrace what we call negative feelings, we must not forget that there needs to be a balance. We cannot feel happiness unless we know what suffering is.
You're right, but sometimes the hard part- and therefore- the strength is in being honest with yourself enough to even be willing to analyze the source of the sadness.