Today's blog is about sharing your talents with the world and living a life you love. Only when we start doing what we were put on this earth to do, can we really start living.
“When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left, and could say, 'I used everything you game me.'” ~ Erma Bombeck
The world is a better place, when people are happy, fulfilled and passionate about life and their work. Lynn A. Robinson, in her book Divine Intuition, explains three key factors in creating a life we love. The first step is to identify your dream, secondly, visualize your success, and thirdly move in the direction of your dream. Now you may think that it is difficult to reconcile what we like doing, and making a living out of it. I have actually read several books on authors who end up doing what they are passionate about, some examples include Peggy McColl, Lynn A. Robionson, . If you love fashion for example, why not start making your own clothes, start out small, redesign stuff you already have. If you love writing, why not start a blog. The important part is taking a first step.
God honestly must have a good sense of humor. It's funny how things turn out sometimes. Sometimes its these difficult situations, that give us insight or nudge us in the right direction. Even though I have a bachelors degree in French and Philosophy, and I have a masters degree in higher education, yet I still am not sure what I am supposed to do with my life. I am not even sure what my gifts and talents are. I have an idea of what I am good at, but I am unsatisfied with my current state of affairs, and by that I mean my contribution to this world. I have mentioned in a previous blog of maybe going into ministry, my problem with that is that one, I don't feel like a good enough person, two I want to know for sure that this is the right thing to do and that it is what God wants me to do. Lastly I don't want to take on a project just to add to my life's bookcase of things that will sit there and gather dust. I can think of many more reasons why not to do it, but then when I ask my pastor about this, he sees it as a good sign. In fact many clergy people have expressed this feeling of not being fit for the job. I honestly don't know where my life is going. All I hope is that cynicism doesn't make too deep of wounds before I get the opportunity to start doing what I want to do; what ever that is and whenever I figure out what it is. Lesson here people, be creative, share your talents, do what you love doing, invest some emotional labor and make art!
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